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The End is a Beginning

After ending my first draft  of my Module 1 essay. I had to write my conclusion. The conclusion to me did nto feel like something i could just end with, or felt satisfied and accomplished with the ability to just sign off and say I'm done. On the contrary I actually felt I had more questions than answers.

In a Skype conversation I was skeptical about my conclusion idea and wanted to know what others thought of their conclusion. It was good for me and encouraging that I was assured that on the basis of a reflective essay that the ending would not really be a ending at all. But a question to keep self reflecting on my practice continually.
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It was funny to me as in my essay i cited a discourse withing the ideas of Bloom's Taxonomy having the last step of teaching ideas communicated. Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy 2001 change was that instead of Blooms's evaluation being the end of a student learning an idea after synthesis. They claimed creating was the end after evaluation. I questioned both and cam to the conclusion that i agreed more with Bloom's idea that once a task is completed it needs further consideration - evaluation. But the idea of Anderson and Krathwohl putting more emphasis on creating was not wrong in my opinion but claims it is easy to come to an end and just finish once something is created. As a designer i find this hard to do. As when i create an art piece, when i come to  a end I sit back and evaluate what i have done, then make further improvements.  Even once published i still am critical of my work looking at how i could have done it better, to edit or for next time with a next job.

This to me is the natural idea of reflecting. But this essay has helped me consider reflections from so many different and angels and considerations. I use the term reflection as a metaphor of the word, and envision a mirror and how we use it. Similar to a bible verse i'm familiar with:

For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:, For he beholds himself, and goes his way, and straightway forgets what manner of man he was. But whoso looks into the perfect law of liberty, and continues therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed James  1:23-25

If you use a mirror look at your face is it is dirty, But walk off and do nothing about it have you reflected and used the mirror correctly? I would say no. Also if you do make a correction you will use the mirror to check it looks good and if anything else needs to be considered to look upon in more detail.

As i end, when i was writing my essay ending i remember watching an episode of  This is Us season 3 where the title of an episode was called The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning. Where on of the characters when on a journey to find out some information. Once he found it it was a bit underwhelming. But upon further inspection he had actually discovered something more than he was looking for. With his end becoming a beginning of a new search. Similarly with the completion of my essay it is a beginning of more reflecting into more areas than i would had considered before i began.


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