After ending my first draft of my Module 1 essay. I had to write my conclusion. The conclusion to me did nto feel like something i could just end with, or felt satisfied and accomplished with the ability to just sign off and say I'm done. On the contrary I actually felt I had more questions than answers. In a Skype conversation I was skeptical about my conclusion idea and wanted to know what others thought of their conclusion. It was good for me and encouraging that I was assured that on the basis of a reflective essay that the ending would not really be a ending at all. But a question to keep self reflecting on my practice continually. It was funny to me as in my essay i cited a discourse withing the ideas of Bloom's Taxonomy having the last step of teaching ideas communicated. Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy 2001 change was that instead of Blooms's evaluation being the end of a student learning an idea after synthesis. They claimed creating was the end after ...